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International Day for the Abolition of Slavery



El día 2 de diciembre es el Día Internacional para la Abolición de la Esclavitud. Te proponemos que leas esta breve biografía y adivines quién es el personaje "misterioso".


Who am I? 

  I was born in South Africa on July 25th, 1918. My father was a local tribal leader. 


I studied to be a lawyer and qualified in 1942. In 1944 I joined the
ANC (African National Congress) and spoke  against apartheid (keeping
white and black people apart).   In 1956 I went on trial for treason
but was found not guilty. In 1962 I was arrested again and this  time I
was sentenced to life imprisonment.  From June 1964 until 1982 I
was in prison on Robben  Island and then spent 8 more years in another
prison. On February 18th, 1990 I was set free and  later became the
first black president of South Africa. I won the Nobel Peace Prize in


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